DAV Sr. Sec. Public School, Saraswati-Nagar

Hatkoti, Tehsil - Jubbal, Shimla - 171206 (Himachal Pradesh)

Leave and Visitors  

No provision of the half-day leave has been kept for the students. Once in the school, the student is supposed to remain the school till the last bell goes and the school gets over.
In case of seeking a full day leave from the school, the student is supposed to submit a leave application with the class teacher duly signed by the parent. Failing to which the school will charge a fine of Rs. 10/- from the student. In case of casuality, the leave application should reach the school on the same day when the leave is availed. No application will be entertained after the leave has been availed. 
If a student remains absent from the school consecutively for more than six days without any information, his/ her name will get automatically struck –off without giving him/her any written or verbal notice and the whole procedure of Re-admission will take place for rejoining the school.
No leave will be sanctioned in case any school activity is taking place and the concerned child is participating in the said activity. No leave will be given during the examination. In case of very serious matter, no special exam will be conducted for him/ her after he/she joins back. But In case of severe illness, Medical Leave will be sanctioned only on submission of a Medical Certificate duly signed by medical practitioner. In case of severe illness , kindly do not send your ward to the school from the home itself. In case of any exams of activity ignore the illness if possible and make an effort to send the child to the school. 
The visitors or the parents are advised to meet the teachers and the Principal after seeking an appointment so that the functioning of the school does not get hampered every now and then. 

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Saraswati-Nagar (Sawra)
P/O - Hatkoti, Tehsil - Jubbal,
Distt. - Shimla, H.P. - 171206
Contact No. - 01781-238185, 238564
E-Mail Id : [email protected]
Website : davhatkoti.org

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